"Who controls your life? You? Who controls your breathing? You, or the things outside your life?"
“There’s a play between the shoulder blade’s movements and the movements of the chest. Think about that. If a person is holding ones breath and is constantly cringing, the chest muscle is tight bringing the shoulder forward and the shoulder comes up and forward. A tight chest means raised shoulder blades. And it means rounded shoulders.
If we see a population which, by the time they are 45 years of age, has 90% of its citizens with rounded shoulders, then we know that much of the population is cringing, and has shallow breathing and is constantly evoking, habitually, the startle reflex.
It's not aging, it’s fear. It’s not the years accumulated, it’s the apprehension accumulated. Feel it. It’s your arm, it’s your muscles, it’s feelings, it’s your life.
Freedom. That’s the issue. Freedom. Freedom means you are responsible. It means you are self-maintaining. Either you are, or you are not."